Case Study | HIVEX Basement Finishing Co.

A Tech-Forward Approach to Accelerate Growth

HIVEX is a tech friendly firm always looking to find new technologies to improve performance for their customers and their team. Learn how using RENDR improves their on-site customer interaction, measures far more quickly and accurately, turns drawing around faster and makes training new staff quick and easy. The time savings has had a huge positive impact on HIVEX’s business, saving them money and increasing their deal closing rate.

Company Overview

HIVEX Basements was founded in 2005 as DB Home Improvements by Dan and Linda Betts. Their daughter Linda and son-in-law Christopher McNally took over the company and rebranded as HIVEX Basement Finishing Co, using “Hive” as a respectful reference to the Bee used in DB Home Improvements logo and also ensuring that potential customers know that the business focuses on basements.

Key Challenges

HIVEX has developed an efficient process using the tools available, allowing them to provide a binding estimate on-site with prospective clients. It required them to take measurements using a laser measure tool or a tape measure.

  1. 01

    Lack of Accurate Measurements

    Measurements took 30+ minutes and accuracy was challenging due to the common practice of homeowners having a lot of “junk” laying around in their basement, impeding both the laser measure and measuring tape.

  2. 02

    Lag Time Leads to Loss of Business

    After they measured and provided a quote, the HIVEX staff member would return to the office where drawings were created from scratch in Chief Architect or sent out to an external Architect. This process would take many hours to a few days to complete.

  3. 03

    Costly Architectural Drawings

    External architectural drawings would cost $1,500 to $2,500 for one set of drawings, per project.

  4. 04

    Slow Growth & Scale

    Excess time training new staff, impeding growth.

RENDR Provides a Solution

HIVEX is expanding rapidly and wanted to find a way to become more efficient. They are very technology friendly and looked at the software market for simple measuring tools but found RENDR’s complete Sales Acceleration platform for Remodelers. Implementing the solution took minutes and HIVEX has already scanned over 360 space in less than 6 months.

  • Speed Matters

    Implementation of RENDR took minutes as did training.

  • Onsite Quotes

    HIVEX has changed their onsite quoting process, so they now use RENDR on an iPad Pro to quickly measure basements.

  • Increased Measurement Accuracy

    RENDR can look through many objects, measurements were far faster and more accurate; often completing scans in under 2 minutes.

  • Bringing the Wow Factor

    Customers are now able to watch as RENDR scans their space and produces a 3D model in real-time. The HIVEX on-site representative, after the scan is completed, adds annotations onto the PDF floor plan within RENDR, enabling the addition of notes about the space. A quote can be provided on-site with more confidence due to the accuracy of measures. Customers are “wowed” by the RENDR real-time scan and see HIVEX as a luxury, cutting edge brand.

  • Nearly-Instant Drawings

    After the site visit, the RENDR files are automatically made available to the HIVEX design team who can instantly load the file into their design software, Chief Architect, saving them hours of time they used to spend drawing the space from scratch.


After less than 6 months of use, HIVEX has scanned over 360 spaces using RENDR.

  1. 01

    Time Savings On-site

    Before RENDR

    HIVEX would spend one to two hours on every site visit spending 30 to 45 minutes taking measurements that were challenging due to objects often left by customers around their basement, obstructing the laser measure and making use of a tape measure difficult.

    After RENDR

    Measuring now takes a few minutes to provide accurate measurements that “see through” most objects left around the floors and // corners of basements.

  2. 02

    Turnaround Time

    Before RENDR

    After taking measurements on paper, they were returned to the office and given to the design team or often an outside architect to produce all drawings from scratch. A process that can take hours to days depending on the complexity and, if an outside architect was used it would cost $1,500 to $2,500. Customers would not get to see the drawings for days.

    After RENDR

    Now, a HIVEX representative can complete a scan in minutes, allowing the customer to see the drawing built in real time. Then they can instantly send the RENDR files to their design team; no external Architect needed. Once received, with a few button clicks, an as-built drawing is created within their design software, Chief Architect, ready for the designers.

    This shortens the turnaround time of designs to customers by hours or days and can save HIVEX $1,500+ by not requiring an outside Architect.

  3. 03

    Increased Close Rate

    After RENDR

    RENDR not only allows HIVEX to measure quickly and provide on-site quotes faster, but it also allows customers to watch the cutting-edge modeling in real-time. Many customers now see how advanced HIVEX is technologically, making the HIVEX brand seem more luxury, which is increasing the overall win rate.

  4. 04

    New Staff Ramp Up Time

    After RENDR

    Due to the ease of use of RENDR and the RENDR-to-Chief Architect integration, as HIVEX expands it has been much easier and faster to onboard new team members.

In Conclusion

The implementation of RENDR at HIVEX has been a huge success, saving time and money overnight, increasing their close rate and making it much faster and easier to on-board new staff to support their growth.

  • 360+

    Spaces Scanned

  • 2 Hours

    Saved Per Project

  • $1500

    Saved Per Project

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